
11 Pieces of Essential Gorilla Trekking Gear

Gorilla trekking in Uganda or Rwanda is without a doubt the single best wildlife experience in the world. Seeing the critically endangered mountain gorillas up close with your own eyes is ...

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StyleHiClub Tours Are Here!

From Southern Africa to the Galapagos Islands, now you can join us ...

Our Must-Have Travel Gear

  Ahh, travel gear.  Nothing makes me happier.  Over the years I ...
I think I totally pull this off

How to Visit a Diamond Mine

While traveling in South Africa, I had the unique opportunity to visit ...
Foreign Currency Collection

The 10 Most Interesting Foreign Currencies

Over the years we have been fortunate enough to visit some pretty ...
Baby Travel Gear

Our Gear for Traveling with Baby

I’ve always been proud of my ability to pack light.  I have ...
The secret to this man's saggy creased skin and bloody face?  The finest cigars money can buy - Cubans!

Buying Illegal Cuban Cigars on Havana’s Black Market

Recently Chandra and I were able to (legally) travel to Cuba.  This ...

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Northern-Lights-Grotfjord-Kvaloya-Credits_Gaute Bruvik - visitnorway.com

Experiencing the Colors of the Northern Lights

To witness the unbelievable colors of the Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis is on the bucket list of many travelers across the world. It is a bold claim that Northern Norway is the best place to make this dream come true. This region offers a vast selection of activities highlighting the bright inter mingling […]

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Chandra Signs Peace Wall with Samara

A Political Tour of Belfast

Did you know that Belfast is a city divided? Still? I didn’t. Watching TV as a child and teenager, I can remember a backdrop of both violence and positive change across the world: the end of apartheid, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Oslo accords and the Good Friday Agreement. These resolutions seemed to halt […]

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Kviknes Hotel Buffet Stone Crabs

The 14 Best Things I Ate in Norway

When I found out I would be going to Norway I couldn’t wait to the cruise the fjords, visit the real life Arendelle, hike a glacier, and go rafting on a river that I had only previously experienced while drinking out of a fancy cylindrical glass bottle. Something I never really gave much thought to was Norwegian food. The […]

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Entire Boat with John Mike Rick Ron Joan & Dave

Boating Long Island’s Gold Coast

A couple of summers ago we had the idea to rent a speed boat as a family to celebrate my Dad’s birthday. We ended up exploring NYC by boat and even having lunch while floating beside the Statue of Liberty. It was so much fun that we decided to do it again this year. I […]

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One without me ruining the view.

Ascending Norway’s Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen)

When I found out I’d be doing some trekking while in Norway, it was hard not to think of my past experience trekking in Nepal and be a little concerned. I had learned the hard way that trekking was not for me. Especially in the rain. Preconceptions aside, I was willing to give it another go. […]

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She may not have ever had PEZ before, but she knows she wants it.

Visiting the PEZ Factory in Orange, CT

I love PEZ. Not many people know this about me, but I used to be rather obsessed with PEZ. Would it surprise you to know that I have a collection of 439 PEZ dispensers or that I own more PEZ memorabilia than most people even know exist? It’s been awhile since I was an active […]

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Dave and Samara Cross Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

Exploring Northern Ireland’s Causeway Coast with a Toddler on My Back

I’ll be honest. I had never heard of the Giant’s Causeway before watching Matt Harding dance on it in 2008. From that point it was on my must-visit-list. I love natural phenomenons and Giant’s Causeway looked too good to be true. How could something that looks so artificial exist in nature? Our trip to Belfast was […]

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Glacial Ice Tunnel Dave

Trekking Norway’s Nigardsbreen Glacier

Although my Norway itinerary was packed with exciting activities, glacier trekking was probably the one I was most looking forward to. It’s hard not to be inspired by glaciers. Growing up on Long Island we learn from a young age that it was a glacier that originally formed the island itself. Since learning that as […]

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